Author: Brie Selby | @plotsandreviews

Because if I am doing this, I might as well be honest. This blog is going to be a ride, but I promise I’ll try to keep you entertained. We all have stories, I am told, that we want to and need to share. I believe we all have opinions that also need sharing, because the world needs discussions and people unafraid of having them. So, here I am. Why do this? I want to share my perspectives with you – someone who may agree or disagree, but someone who is interested in perspectives 😊Most of the people around me…

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Poster for “Godzilla vs Kong” (2021). Photo Credit: IMDB | Edit Credit: @plotsandreviews Dear Readers, Aliens and Creatures, I present the big and the bad of the big and the bad. BASICS Official title: Godzilla vs. Kong My title: Better than Humans Author: Terry Rossio; Michael Dougherty; Zach Shields Director: Adam Wingard Fav character: The flying viper Type: Movie 4/5 INTRO First off, this movie needed to be longer so that Kong could show us mere mortals how you should really spend what comes across as the equivalent of TWO days; and Godzilla can continue to be the VERY idle,…

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