Dear Readers, Aliens and Creatures, I have a quick review and a few observations about ‘The One Night Stand Next Door’. Feel free to share your own views under my question. Let’s discuss!
Official title: The One-Night Stand Next Door
My title: Innocent Tequila
Author: Emma Hart
Fav character: Coffee
Type: Novella
If you want a very basic transitional bad-choices with sex read, this is for you.
Ivy goes to a party held by the old people at her apartment, she meets her next door neighbour – Kai -, they both drink, she blames the tequila and they have sex. The author tells us, 50 pages after, that the story is not quite finished…and yes, you have guessed why.
It was an okay read. I was not overly fond of any of the characters but it was written well.
PASSAGE REACTIONS: Feel free to answer any question I may have had. 🤣
Main takeaway:
What IS up with people and fairy lights though? – That blinky blinkyness can get to me at times. 🤣 Why must it blink as I sleep? As I wake up. As I consider the death of mosquitoes?
Ehem… moving on, now for something a bit more serious.
I want to examine my observation made on the 12th. There seems to be this belief that if you know someone of a particular group/demographic, you don’t have a problem with them; you hold no prejudice against them.
I have always found it hilarious. How can one person save you, save a behaviour, a feeling, a perception? One person being singled-out usually makes me believe there is an issue, if, however, SEVERAL people are mentioned, then I tend to be more accepting.
The same way you don’t know about an issue because you have read a SINGLE book. KNOWING a single person of a demographic doesn’t mean you don’t have a problem with the demographic.
What are your thoughts?