Tuesday, March 4

    Spotlight on Nikki Minty and Pastel Pink

    Pastel Pink

    Book 1

    Author Q&A

    We sat down with Author Nikki Minty to ask her a few questions about being an author and her thoughts on The Zadok Series and Pastel Pink.

    QUESTION 1. What is your favorite childhood book?

    The Chronicles of Narnia. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    QUESTION 2. Have you ever considered writing under a pseudonym, why or why not?

    I’m quite lucky, there aren’t many other Nikki Minty’s in the author zone, and I think my first name and surname work well with one another. It has a ring to it.

    QUESTION 3. How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?

    I love reading all of my book reviews at the dinner table with my family, that way we can have a discussion about them, and add our two cents worth. My kids love to tease me about the bad ones.

    QUESTION 4. Are there therapeutic benefits to modeling a character after someone you know?

    I modelled RJ after my son Randall Jackson, AKA RJ. He helped me come up with the idea for this series, so I figured it was only fitting. I’ve also added a lot of family member’s and friend’s names, and mixed and matched a few character traits. It’s all a bit of fun and it makes them feel involved. It makes it sentimental.

    QUESTION 5. What is the most difficult part of your writing process?

    Research and keeping my characters in line. They often want to head in a different direction to what I have planned.

    QUESTION 6. What comes first for you — the plot or the characters — and why?

    It’s kind of a mixture of the two. I’m a loose outliner, so the plot and characters build together on the page as I write.

    QUESTION 7. Would you and your main character get along? Why, why not?

    The Zadok series in its entirety is written through 5 POVs.

    I like Harlow, I think she’s sweet and would be easy to get along with.
    Zavier has a bit of a chip on his shoulder, but I can see where it stems from, and I believe he’d be a loving, loyal friend to have.
    Alex/Slater can be a selfish prick, but I love his openness and the way he wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s the type of friend that’d need to be pulled back into line every now and then.
    Zannah is a bitch and says it how it is. I’m sure she’d offend me a few times over the course of our friendship, but I would always admire her strength and fearlessness.
    While Jax is my most noble, gallant character with good morals, he would probably send me into the awkward/anxious side of myself. I’d respect him, but I wouldn’t know how to act, or what to say around him.

    He’s too honourable. I’d always feel like he was way above me. He’d make me see all the flaws in myself.

    QUESTION 8. If you were to write a spin-off about a side character, which would you pick?

    If this series takes off, I would like to write a spin-off series about the Rukes, which would mean I would be using Acacia as one of my POVs.

    QUESTION 9. What part of the book did you have the hardest time writing?

    I had the hardest time writing through Jax. I almost wasn’t going to give his POV, but my editors pushed me to write him into book 3, and I’m glad they did. Like I said, Jax is way more honourable than I’ll ever be. I struggled being one with him, but I eventually got there.

    QUESTION 10. What is a significant way your book has changed since the first draft?

    The original ending of Pastel Pink was completely different. My editors (as well as my mum and partner) really helped to refine my book(s). A few scenes were cut or altered, and a few characters got tweaked along the way.

    QUESTION 11. How would you describe your book’s ideal reader?

    My book(s) are YA, Sci-fi/Fantasy with a hint of romance, so young readers who like the Sci-fi/fantasy genre might want to check them out.

    Just a tip, my books are not action driven novels. While there are action scenes, my books are more character driven than anything else, because those are the types of books I prefer.

    QUESTION 12. How do you celebrate when you finish your book?

    So far, we’ve had a celebration dinner for each book completed. Indian or Italian, my favs. Food, not people. I am not a cannibal.

    The Zadok Series Feature

    From one ending comes a new beginning…Ruby was murdered on Earth eighteen years ago and reincarnated on Zadok as a Pastel Zeek named Harlow. To be born at the bottom of her race’s caste colour system to a middle-class family of Magentas has made Harlow a source of conflict amongst the ruling Purples, and a source of derision from all three colours.When Harlow is attacked by a fuegor on Zadok, the effects of its slow reacting venom triggers an unforeseen phenomenon, and due to the strong connection she had with her former twin sister Jade, her human spirit is unexpectedly drawn back to Earth. 

    Now living a double life, she has plunged into a world of intrigue on both planets.On earth, she watches on in horror as Jade reconnects with Lucas, the man who murdered her and got away with it. And to complicate things further, she’s being pursued by Alex, the ghost of Lucas’ twin. On Zadok, she becomes embroiled with Jax, the son of the Commanding family. He’s determined to bring about change to the colony’s colour system, but it’ll come at a cost.

    As Harlow mixes with the political intrigue of the Zeeks, will she become a victim of those trying to rigidly maintain the status quo or will she usher in a revolution? And will ghost Ruby resist the temptation of the handsome Alex or pursue an impossible relationship that could have dire consequences on both planets?

    (Source: amazon.com)

    Ruby Red

    Book 2

    Alex has called it quits and stormed off, leaving Harlow alone and vulnerable in the danger zone with little chance of survival and a broken heart.

    Luckily Jax finds her and brings her back to the caves. However, little does she know she’s returning
    with multiple souvenirs.

    Standing out for all the wrong reasons has become Harlow’s specialty, and as the effects of her vertic switz tattoo set in and new issues are brought to light, she and her friends will find themselves in the line of fire with Rae and Electra.

    Despite Jax’s attempts to neutralise the colour system, the Winter caves have become a death trap for Harlow, and Summer’s castle is no place for a Zeek. Harlow’s only sanctuary might be Spring’s Drake village, but her former ties to a Vallon are sure to cause friction with some of the residents.

    Tough decisions will need to be made, but will she make the right ones?

    (Source: amazon.com)

    Powerful Purples

    Book 3

    An explosive ceremony rocks Winter’s caves and those responsible must flee to the Drake village and start a new life.

    When Harlow is imprisoned by the Queen’s guards, Slater is forced to flee for his life and team up with Jax—the one man he detests more than any other. Together with courageous Zadonians from all four races, they devise a daring rescue mission to save Harlow from impending death.

    Nothing is what it seems, however, and Harlow finds herself being drawn into political intrigue that will change the landscape of Summer and Winter forever.
    Torn between Slater’s wants and needs, and her own—will Harlow stay to keep Slater happy or follow her heart and return with Jax?



    I live in sunny Noosa, Australia where it’s beautiful every season except summer. 🥵
    I have two kids, two rescue greyhounds and a little powder puff who loves to chew and bark.
    When I’m not reading and writing I love getting arty.
    My favorite colour is red, and I have a ridiculously large collection of Monster High Dolls.