Author: Brie Selby | @plotsandreviews

 5/5 WELCOME Dear Readers, Aliens and Creatures – how adorable. 🤣 I give you the fantastical – Lord of the Masquerade. BASICS Official title: Lord of the Masquerade My title: Unmasked Lord, Managing Minx Author: Erika Ridley Publisher: Erika Ridley – Author Collective Fav character: Julian Type: Book – series 5/5 INTRO I am happy the author took the risk and I am happy I got to read about someone truly DIFFERENT, not just because she was a ‘bluestocking’ or ‘wallflower’ – which Unity Thorne probably would never have been. I was going to wait until September (#pgmseptember )…

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 5/5 WELCOME Dear Readers, Aliens and Creatures, as it turns out, I’m a Murderbot. I give you, All Systems Red, a perfect read for all seasons. BASICS Official title: All Systems Red My title: The Awesome Murderbot Author: Martha Wells Publisher: @tordotcompub Fav character: Murderbot Type: Book – Murderbot Series – Book 1 Will I read the others: Yes! 5/5 – EASY INTRO What a pleasurable read. 💛💛💛 This series needs to also be on TV 😁 @Netflix @Hulu @Amazonprimevideo REVIEW The coolest construct owned by The Company is living its best life binge watching soap operas and dramas…

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 4/5 WELCOME Dear Readers, Aliens and Creatures, who knew oranges could be so mean?! I present to you ‘The Orange’. PSA: Do NOT allow oranges to be rulers. 🤣 BASICS Official title: The Orange My title: How the Orange Failed Author: Eric C. Goose @ericdagoosebooks Publisher: Independent Fav character: The Orange Type: Book – Children’s 4.5/5 INTRO My favourite character is the Orange, because he got what he deserved! REVIEW Do you enjoy children’s stories, off-beat but interesting illustrations and a fun rhyming scheme?! Me too! 🤣 So you’ll probably enjoy – The Orange. This rotund and bright fruit,…

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 4/5 WELCOME Dear Readers, Aliens and Creatures, here is a tale about somewhat silly, entitled girls, hopelessness, murder and magic. BASICS Official title: House of Salt and SorrowsMy title: The Sisters Who CouldAuthor: Erin A. CraigPublisher: @randomhouse Fav character: KosamasType: Book4/5 INTRO Gads… Astrea again! Albeit another one… but the traumaaa… **cries in Ash Princess**. REVIEW The Thaumas sisters keep dying. Their bodies are returned to the salt, where they bloat, decompose and are consumed. The villagers believe it’s a curse, but the girls are desperate to prove them wrong, just, DESPERATE. Enter this world of roaming and visible gods,…

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 4/5 WELCOME Dear Readers, Aliens and Creatures, What in the abandoned void is happening?! I give you, ‘The Unraveling’. BASICS Official title: The Unraveling My title: When Children go Wild Author: Benjamin Rosenbaum Publisher: Erewhon Fav character: Pip / Have Type: Book 4.7/5 INTRO The author put a considerable amount of work into this story, and it shows in its layered reality, detailed pronoun use, intricate family structures and multiple story perspectives. It raises an intriguing discussion on gender and sexual identities. Gender is completely independent from sexual expression – gender is binary – Staid or Vail (for now)…

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 4/5 WELCOME Dear Readers, Aliens and Creatures, Ubik is the cure all, Ubik is the dream – UBIK!!!! Apart from the author seeming to be an a**hole, the story… Lads, the story…🤦‍♀️ BASICS Official title: Ubik My title: What in tarnation?! Author: Philip K. Dick Publisher: Doubleday Fav character: Pat Type: Book – series?! Because dafuq was that ending?! 4.4/5 INTRO It has been a long time since I read a story that managed to confused me in its present, past and future… I have a VAGUE idea of wtf I read. 💁 Not sure the author had any…

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 4/5 WELCOME Dear Readers, Aliens and Creatures, there is A LOT going on in this book, so bear with me. I give you the swarming fullness of – ‘Foundryside’. BASICS Official title: Foundryside My title: Stab the key? Author: Robert Jackson Bennet Publisher: Crown Publishing Group Fav character: Sancia Type: Book – series Will you read the others? – Yes. 4.7/5 INTRO Sancia is really off to a bad start… after all, she has abilities of her own, abilities that carry a pre-apocalyptic secret and that are as likely as anything else to get her killed very quickly. I…

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 4/5 WELCOME Not me basically highlighting all of the sexy parts of this book and seriously lusting after this man. 🤣🤣🤣 Dear Readers, Aliens and Creatures, I give you – ‘Daring and the Duke’. BASICS Official title: Daring and the DukeMy title: Forgive the Duke, Punish the DukeAuthor: Sarah MacLeanPublisher: @harpercollins @avonbooks Fav character: EwanType: Book – Bareknuckle Bastards Series4.5/5 INTRO The pure fire of all of these unspoken words 😍 – is the spirit I wish could have been kept throughout the book, alas, it was not to be so. This book goes from friends to lovers to enemies…

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 4/5 WELCOME Dear Readers, Aliens and Creatures, I hate to admit, but this is a stop-over between the story I really liked and the one I am eager to read. I present – ‘Brazen and the Beast’. BASICS Official title: Brazen and the BeastMy title: Waiting for EwanAuthor: Sarah MacLeanPublisher: @harpercollinsFav character: EwanType: Book – Bareknuckle Bastards series4.3/5 INTRO Ok, honestly, 1/2 way through I was far more interested in madman Ewan and what he would do once he got his hands of Grace… ludssss, the envyyy I felt towards that woman. Ehem, but this is book 2, not…

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 5/5 WELCOME Dear Readers, Aliens and Creatures, what a perfectly delicious read. I give you the historically fake delight of – ‘Wicked and the Wallflower’. BASICS Official title: Wicked and the Wallflower My title: In Search of Power and Sin Author: Sarah MacLean Publisher: @harpercollins Fav character: Felicity Type: Book – The Bareknuckle Bastards series Will I read the others: YES! 5/5 INTRO There is nothing I disliked about this book. The length was perfect, the characters were rich, the attraction was steamy and passion reached through the pages and choked you. Frankly, I love the humour I usually…

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